I spoke with a friend of mine yesterday who had a revelation about how her assumptions were making her life so much harder.
She had assumed people weren't interested in helping her, and whatever she had to do, she should just do it and not expect help. We all know what it's like when we stubbornly insist on our opinions and assume the outcome will be what it was in the past. It doesn't go well. We struggle. And grit our teeth. And effort our way forward. And we get stuff done, but not without jerks and bounces and even some scaling of walls in the process. Doesn't sound much like being in flow, does it? If we just gave ourselves a few minutes in any given situation to stop and ask ourselves if we just might be making an inaccurate assumption about the process or the outcome, it's possible that we could allow something ever so much nicer to take place. How often do we shut the door on opportunities when we assume they aren't possible? Or that we don't deserve them? Or that we'll never have them? Over and over again I find that I make my life more difficult if I take my assumptions as truth, despite the fact that the definition of assumption includes the words "without proof". When I notice I'm already getting an attitude because of some assumption I'm holding, more and more I question whether my assumption that predicts the future really is all that valid. It rarely is. So when I'm willing to drop my assumptions and just see what will happen as I put my hand to something, I can be pleasantly surprised. Life goes so much more smoothly if I refrain from believing that I know how I will respond to what comes up when I get ready to do something. We know far less than we think we do. And that's actually a good thing. Events unfolds as they do; we are the ones who label and assume and try to control. But if we stay open and curious, asking when we need help, being willing to venture into the Land of the Unknown with a sense of humor or at least some degree of lightness, something wonderful is possible. There are other forces at work in the universe, and when I don't let my attitude or my assumptions get in the way, those forces work for me, not against me. What assumptions can _you_ let go of?