When world events and natural disasters take an unexpected turn (which they do more and more these days), it can send shock waves through our lives. And if you’re already going through a personal transition that’s rocking your proverbial boat, you might feel you need to batten down the hatches and wait for the storm to pass. But is that really the best choice? Wouldn’t you rather be grounded and centered, flexible and open when the next challenge arrives (and it will)? When your inner or your outer world is thrown into disarray, turn your attention inward to find meaning and purpose that may have become obscured by all the commotion. When you align with that pure intelligence within that knows the way, you’ll find you know how to move forward using the energy of the moment rather than feed the chaos by resisting it. Here are five of the best ways to transform potential defeat into inspired action: 1) Turn Down the Volume We’re constantly being bombarded by “expert” opinions about what we should believe and what we should do, to the extent that it becomes almost impossible to tune into our own wisdom. So, even for just a short while, step away from all the electronic devices with their endless media feeds so you can discern to what’s really true for you. 2) Practice Self Compassion Upheaval and change, whether gradual or abrupt, is painful. And that pain is not something you should sweep under the rug. It will still continue to trip you up until you acknowledge it. To name it is to bring it into the light, where it can be met with compassion and support. 3) Nurture Your Body Being in a physical body takes a lot of energy. Think of all those fight or flight chemicals flooding your body when you’re stressed. Make it a priority to take care of it - with nourishing food, rest, massage, exercise, meditation, soothing music or whatever else replenishes you. 4) Light Your Way Set an intention for how you want to show up in the world. You may not know what you want do or how to do it, but if you know the kind of person you want to be, especially during difficult times, the how and the why will come to you. 5) Let Go of Expectations
It’s natural to feel disappointed or at a loss when things don’t match up or even contradict what we expect or want. But, often, what appears to be a tragedy at the outset turns out to a blessing in disguise. Instead of insisting on a specific outcome, let go of what you assume is the right course of action, as best you can, so that a greater good can unfold and you can play your part in it. Contrary to what you might think, the energy of adversity can be harnessed so that it becomes your ally for personal growth, resilience and lasting happiness. If you look back on your life, you’ll probably be able to find moments when that was true for you. And it can be true for you again. If you're looking for more ways to create your own inner GPS to navigate transition and change, I invite you to take my free "How Inspired Do You Want to Be?" assessment (a $197 value) by clicking here.